Hi there, my name is Marcia, I am happy to meet you and share my craft makes and ideas with you. I hope you enjoy looking. Please feel free to join my blog and leave me comments, especially if they are helpful ones! I love to learn new craft techniques and am more than happy to share the ones I have found. Thank you for looking.....
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Ella is One!
My next little granddaughter was one year old yesterday! How time flies! I made this name book card using my Silhouette Cameo and some coredinations card. I sanded the card back before I cut the letters out as I was worried that the card may crease if I tried to sand after the letters were cut - you should have seen the dust (I was covered in it!) Then I scored each piece at 20 mm for a "spine" and put 2 holes at equal distance for the ribbon. Then it was just down to embellishing! I am going to try another few versions of this card book so watch this space! The Inside:
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